
Marine Diesel Engines

Specialized in Yanmar, Volvo Penta, Westerbeke, Universal, Beta Marine, Nanni Diesel, Bukh, Renault. We follow engine manufacturers recommendations where applicable

Prop Shafts, Cutlass Bearings

We check the trueness of the shafts by dialing in situ and in shop. Replace shafts and couplers as required. Cutlass bearing can be removed without removing shafts and dropping rudders. We carryout shaft alignment corrections periodically to protect cutlass bearings and transmission from premature failures

Sail Drives

We have years of experience servicing Yanmar, Volvo Penta and Nanni Diesel Saildrives. We are experiencing higher number of saildrive failures due to water contamination on it’s oil. We recommend to replace propshaft seals at manufacturer recommended intervals

Prop Shaft Seals

We upgrade older stuffing boxes with dripless seals to keep bilges dry


We troubleshoot transmission issues and service as required. Specialized in all Yanmar transmissions


We service Vari-Props & Vari Profiles, Max Prop and other various feathering and folding props

Other Specialized Services

  • Fuel Polishing
  • Heat Exchanger Core Ultrasonic Cleaning
  • Injector Pop Testing
  • Diesel Engine Compression Tests
  • Propshaft to Engine Alignment Checking and correcting
  • Pressure and Vacuum Testing of Engine Closed Cooling System, Transmission Lubrication System, Saildrive Lubricating System, Seawater Pumps & Fuel Feed and Return System Hoses and Filters